About us



We celebrate our serving in the community for over 167 years. 1857—2024

Our staff consists of:

Pastor: (in search process)

Moderator: Glenn Harris

Clerk: Joyce Coppens

Christian Education: Marylee Ferry & Shirley Schulze

Financial Secretary: Cindy Miller

Treasurer: Wendy Roy

Music: Wendy Roy & Lori Judd

Diaconate: Judy Palmer

Trustees:   Jim Roy

Ontario Food Pantry liaison: Ken Tillman



We believe you will enjoy worshiping with us in a congregation that is active, both internally and in our community. We would classify ourselves as a rural congregation on the eastern fringe of Rochester, NY; however, we maintain an identity of our own.

If you are in the area, please give us a visit.  We will feel comfortable making you feel at home. We have a fellowship time of beverages and cookies following our Sunday morning worship; so don’t run away before we get to know each other better.


Ruth Circle

One of the strongest and most active organizations within the Church family for a number of years has been the Ruth Circle. Its membership has consisted of ladies (men have also been invited) from all age groups, and in the past, its purpose had been to conduct mission study, promote missionary interest, minister to shut-ins, and contribute to the beauty and care of the sanctuary and Church property.

With the establishment of the Board of Benevolence, the Ruth Circle's new mission statement is: "The Ruth Circle will embrace the well being of the Church family and the church proper through fellowship and outreaches, making the people feel they belong"