
The Constitution and Bylaws

of the

Immanuel United Church of Christ

Ontario, New York

Document History:

Action: Amendment: Date:

First Bylaws accepted 1899


January 1967

Bylaws rewritten and


January 8, 1989


February 16, 1993

Amended Reduced number of officers and

board members and made

updates to reflect current


January 29, 1995


Article X, Sect. 1.0, Item 2 June 1995

Amended Change of the Church fiscal

year to April 1 – March 31;

change of Annual Meeting date.

2000 (exact month of change is

unknown; however, the report

year for the 2000 Annual

Reports was for the period

January 1, 2000 to March 31,


Amended Reinstated Church & Ministry


September 1, 2005

Amended Addition of Meeting to

Approve the Annual Operating

Budget to be held at least two

weeks prior to beginning of

fiscal year. Also, incorporated

a maximum and minimum

range for the number of officers

for the Board of Trustees and


June 2006

Bylaws and

Constitution re-written

and approved

March 6, 2011

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Table of Contents

Article I. Name ........................................................................................................... 4

Article II. Purpose....................................................................................................... 4

Article III. Polity & Doctrine ...................................................................................... 4

Section 1.0 - Polity .................................................................................................. 4

Section 2.0 - Doctrine.............................................................................................. 4

Article IV. Membership .............................................................................................. 5

Section 1.0 - Qualifications ..................................................................................... 5

Section 2.0 - Associate Membership........................................................................ 6

Section 3.0 - Reception............................................................................................ 6

Section 4.0 - Responsibilities................................................................................... 6

Section 5.0 - Rights ................................................................................................. 6

Section 6.0 - Discipline ........................................................................................... 6

Section 7.0 - Termination ........................................................................................ 7

Section 8.0 - Restoration of Membership................................................................. 7

Article V. Governing Body......................................................................................... 7

Section 1.0 - Quorum............................................................................................... 7

Article VI. Officers & Committees ............................................................................. 8

Section 1.0 - Officers & Committees – General Specifications................................ 8

Section 1.1 - Officers & Committees – Specific Positions ....................................... 9

Section 2.0 - Special Offices & Committees...........................................................11

Section 3.0 - Duties of the Clerk.............................................................................11

Section 4.0 - Duties of the Moderator .....................................................................12

Section 5.0 - Duties of the Director of Christian Education ....................................13

Section 6.0 - Duties of the Financial Secretary .......................................................13

Section 7.0 - Duties of the Church Treasurer ..........................................................14

Section 8.0 - Duties of the Board of Trustees..........................................................16

Section 9.0 - Duties of the Diaconate......................................................................17

Section 10.0 - Duties of the Director of Music........................................................17

Section 11.0 - Duties of the Board of Benevolence.................................................18

Section 12.0 - Duties of the Church and Ministry Committee.................................18

Section 13.0 - Duties of the Nominating Committee...............................................19

Section 14.0 - Duties of the Church Council...........................................................19

Article VII. Pastor......................................................................................................20

Section 1.0 - Duties & Responsibilities...................................................................20

Section 2.0 - Selection & Installation......................................................................21

Section 3.0 - Other..................................................................................................22

Article VIII. Organizations ........................................................................................22

Article IX. Meetings of the Church............................................................................22

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Section 1.0 - Annual Meeting .................................................................................22

Section 1.1 - Meeting to Approve the Annual Operating Budget ............................23

Section 2.0 - Annual Report of the Church .............................................................23

Section 3.0 - Special Church Meetings ...................................................................23

Section 4.0 - Notice of Meetings ............................................................................23

Section 5.0 - Meeting Place ....................................................................................24

Section 6.0 - Presiding Officer................................................................................24

Section 7.0 - Procedures .........................................................................................24

Section 8.0 - Voting................................................................................................24

Article X. Property & Finance ...................................................................................25

Section 1.0 - Property .............................................................................................25

Section 2.0 - Finance ..............................................................................................25

Section 2.1 - Funds of the Church...........................................................................25

Article XI. Amendments ............................................................................................26

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Article I. Name

The name of this church shall be the Immanuel United Church of Christ, located in

Ontario, New York.

Article II. Purpose

The avowed purpose of this church shall be to bind together followers of Jesus Christ

to worship; preach the gospel of Jesus Christ; to celebrate its sacraments; to realize

Christian fellowship; to promote unity within the church and the Church Universal;

and to make God's will dominant in the lives of all humankind.

Article III. Polity & Doctrine

Section 1.0 - Polity

The government of the church is vested in its members, who exercise the right of

control in all of its affairs, subject in legal matters to the articles of incorporation

granted it by the laws of the State of New York. This church shall be an affiliate of the

Genesee Valley Association of the New York Conference of the United Church of


Section 2.0 - Doctrine

This church acknowledges Jesus Christ as its sole head. It recognizes the Bible as the

sufficient rule of faith and practice, and holds that living in accordance with the

teachings of Jesus Christ is the true test of fellowship. Each member shall have the

undisturbed right to follow the word of God according to the dictates of his/her own

conscience under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

The following statement of faith, therefore, is not a test but an expression of the spirit

in which the church interprets the Word of God.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Statement of Faith 1

We believe in you, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior Jesus Christ and

our God, and to your deeds we testify: You call the worlds into being, create

persons in your own image and set before each one the ways of life and death.

You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.

You judge people and nations by your righteous will declared through prophets

and apostles.

In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior, you have

come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and

reconciling the world to yourself.

You bestow upon us your Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of

Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues and races.

You call us into your church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be

your servants in the service of others, to proclaim the gospel to all the world

and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ's baptism and eat at his table, to

join him in his passion and victory.

You promise to all who trust you forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace,

courage in the struggle for justice and peace, your presence in trial and

rejoicing, and eternal life in your realm which has no end.

Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto you. Amen.

Article IV. Membership

Section 1.0 - Qualifications

Membership in this church shall be open to all persons who have been baptized, have

been confirmed, or have made public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and

Savior. The members of this church shall be persons who, (a) on presentation of

satisfactory letters of transfer from other churches; or (b) if letters are not available, by

reaffirmation of faith; or (c) on confirmation of faith, having already been baptized; or

(d) on confession of faith and baptism; and (e) on recommendation of the Diaconate,

having been accepted by the Deacons; and have publicly accepted the church's



1 An interim revision requested by the Thirteenth General Synod and approved by the Executive Council for use in

celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the United Church of Christ.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Section 2.0 - Associate Membership

Persons wishing to formally join the Immanuel body of fellowship, but who wish to

retain membership in another church (i.e., their home church from their youth or their

church from a community in which they previously resided) may hold an associate

membership with Immanuel United Church of Christ. However, persons with this

status are not allowed to be an officer of the church and do not have any official

voting rights. Associate members are encouraged, however, to fully participate in all

other aspects of the church’s activities.

Section 3.0 - Reception

New members shall be received at a communion service or at some other time as

designated by the Diaconate, by public confirmation of the covenant.

Section 4.0 - Responsibilities

Members are expected, first of all, to be faithful in the spiritual stewardship, essential

to the Christian life; and also attend the services of this church, to give regularly to its

support and its charities, and in its organized work.

Section 5.0 - Rights

Church members - except those who are on the inactive list (see Article IV, Section

7.0), hold an associate membership (see Article IV, Section 2.0), or are less than

sixteen (16) years old - are eligible to vote on all matters; however, a vote on financial

indebtedness requires a minimum voting age of eighteen (l8).

Section 6.0 - Discipline

1. If any unresolved differences arise among members, the Church and Ministry

Committee with the advice of the pastor shall try to resolve these differences. This

shall be done kindly, impartially, and in accordance with the doctrines of Christian


2. If any member consistently breaches the covenant of the church or acts in a manner

inconsistent with the church's purpose, the issue shall be brought before the Church

and Ministry Committee.

3. If a resolution cannot be reached, this Committee shall bring the issue to the

Church Council, preserving confidentiality, to determine the next step, including

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


the possibility of a mediator from the Genesee Valley Association.

Section 7.0 - Termination

1. Any member may, by written request, be given a Letter of Transfer from the Clerk

of the church. If the member wishes to join a body not in fellowship with this

church, the member may be given a Certificate of Membership.

2. Any member, because of a change in faith or some other reason, may request a

written release from the covenant obligations of this church. This release shall be

written by the Clerk, upon review by the Diaconate.

3. A member whose address has long been unknown or who for a period of two years

has not attended the church's worship or contributed to its support may, by vote of

the Church Council, be placed on an inactive list. Reasonable, but diligent,

attempts shall be made to inform the member of this action. If after a year the

relationship has not changed, the name may be permanently removed by the

Church Council, thereby resulting in termination of membership.

Section 8.0 - Restoration of Membership

1. Any member whose membership has been terminated may be restored by a vote of

the church members.

2. Restoration to active status from inactive status may be effected by vote of the

Church Council.

Article V. Governing Body

The governing body of this church shall be the membership assembled in church

meetings. The vote of a majority, as specified in Article IX, Section 8.0, of voting

members (see Article IV, Section 5.0) present at the meeting shall be the action of the

church. A minimum of a quorum will be required for all votes.

Section 1.0 - Quorum

A quorum shall consist of 25 voting members.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Article VI. Officers & Committees

Section 1.0 - Officers & Committees – General Specifications

1. All active members of the church are eligible to be an officer of the church. A

proposed slate of officers – recommended by the Nominating Committee and

reviewed and approved by the Church Council - is provided to the church at the

Annual Meeting; these would include all continuing officers as well as a

recommendation for each open position. Additionally, nominations may also be

entertained from the floor during the Annual Meeting; in these cases, a closed

ballot vote shall be conducted in order to decide who will fill the vacancy. Only

those individuals accepting a nomination for an open position are required to be

elected by the church membership during the Annual Meeting (continuing officers

remain commissioned from their initial election). Elected officers may only hold

one elected position at a time. When first nominated and after the nominee accepts

the nomination, the nominee is invited to attend the monthly applicable board

meeting (i.e., Diaconate, Trustees, Benevolence), until officially installed in the

new position.

2. The chairmanship of a board shall be the most senior elected member of the

applicable board. The term of the chairperson will expire after the Annual Meeting,

to ensure that the Annual Meeting does not suffer by the transition of office

holders. If the person in line to take the chairmanship resigns or feels he/she

cannot accept the position, the next senior board member shall be the chairperson.

In this case, the senior board member may assume the position for two consecutive

terms. If a board member is completing an unexpired term of office, he/she shall

not be eligible for the chairmanship, unless he/she has had previous experience in

this church's activities. In this case, the board members may vote on the issue.

3. All of the officers named in this section shall be elected at the annual meeting and

in accordance with Article IX, Section 8.0. All terms are from Annual Meeting to

Annual Meeting; a newly elected member of the board shall start his/her term

immediately after the Annual Meeting. To minimize any disruption in church

operations, it is the responsibility of the outgoing officer or chairperson of the

board or committee to instruct and qualify the newly elected officer or appointed

committee member. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the outgoing

officer/committee member to thoroughly transition the functions of the office,

board, or committee to the remaining members of the board or committee. All

officers shall become familiar with the church’s Bylaws.

4. Any Officer (with the exception of the Pastor) who is not able to complete their

term is asked to provide at least 60 days notice whenever possible. Notice

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


requirements relating to the Pastor are governed by the formal covenant agreement

existing between the church and the Pastor. In the case where an officer (other

than the Pastor) is unable to complete his/her term, a replacement to complete the

term will be recommended by the Nominating Committee and appointed by the

Church Council. Positions filled in this manner would need to be ratified by the

Congregation at the next Annual Meeting.

5. Every attempt shall be made to fill positions according to the Bylaws; however, if

after an exhaustive search, positions are not able to be filled, the church will

operate with the compliment that is presently in place.

6. Boards shall hold monthly meetings to ensure execution of their duties is timely

and effective. Additionally, all board meetings shall offer an opportunity to

adjourn to an executive session, if the meetings are attended by non-officers.

These sessions would be called at the close of each meeting by the chairperson of

the board and would include only board members.

Section 1.1 - Officers & Committees – Specific Positions

The Officers shall be as follows:

1. The Pastor, to be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs.

Selection and installation shall be in accordance with Article VII, Section 2.0.

Duties of the Pastor are in Article VII.

2. A Clerk, to serve a term of one year and until a successor is chosen and qualified.

Duties of the Clerk are in Article VI, Section 3.0.

3. A Moderator, to serve a term of two years and until a successor is chosen and

qualified. Duties of the Moderator are in Article VI, Section 4.0.

4. A Director of Christian Education, to serve a term of one year and until a successor

is chosen and qualified. Duties of the Director of Christian Education are in

Article VI, Section 5.0.

5. A Financial Secretary, to serve a term of one year and until a successor is chosen

and qualified. Duties of the Financial Secretary are in Article VI, Section 6.0.

6. A Church Treasurer, to serve a term of one year and until a successor is chosen and

qualified. Duties of the Treasurer are in Article VI, Section 7.0.

7. The Board of Trustees shall consist of a minimum of four (4) members and up to a

maximum of six (6) members above the age of 18 years. A minimum of one

member shall be elected at each Annual Meeting to serve a term of three (3) years

and until a successor is chosen and qualified. Duties of the Trustees are in Article

VI, Section 8.0.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


8. The Diaconate shall consist of a minimum of six (6) members and up to a

maximum of eight (8) members. A minimum of two members shall be elected at

each Annual Meeting to serve a term of three (3) years and until a successor is

chosen and qualified. Effort will be made to maintain gender equity on this board.

Duties of the Diaconate are in Article VI, Section 9.0.

9. Director of Music, to serve a term of one year and until a successor is chosen and

qualified. Duties of the Director of Music are in Article VI, Section 10.0.

10. The Board of Benevolence shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members and

up to a maximum of six (6) members. A minimum of one member shall be elected

at each Annual Meeting to serve a term of three (3) years and until a successor is

chosen and qualified. Duties of the Board of Benevolence are in Article VI,

Section 11.0.

The committees shall be as follows:

11. The Church and Ministry Committee shall consist of three (3) members chosen by

the Church Council to serve a three year rotating term. One new member shall be

appointed each year; terms are from Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting.

Committee members shall not hold any other office during their three-year term.

At the Church Council meeting just prior to the Annual Meeting, nominations for

open positions on the Church and Ministry Committee shall be presented by

Church Council members to the Church Council at-large. A secret ballot vote shall

be conducted to determine the appointment for the open term.

12. The Nominating Committee shall consist of 3 members chosen by the Church

Council to serve a term of one year. Terms are from Annual Meeting to Annual

Meeting. Committee members are allowed to hold other offices during the period

of service on the Nominating Committee. At the Church Council meeting just

prior to the Annual Meeting, nominations for the open positions on the Nominating

Committee shall be presented by Church Council members to the Church Council

at-large. A secret ballot vote shall be conducted to determine the appointments for

the next committee.

The Church Council:

13. The Church Council consists of the following:

Voting members -- Moderator, Clerk, Financial Secretary, Church Treasurer,

Director of Music, Director of Christian Education, the chairperson or a designated

representative from the Board of Trustees, the Board of Benevolence, and the

Diaconate. It should be noted, however, that representatives of a board are to cast

votes on behalf of the board, and those votes should be representative of the stance

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


agreed upon by the majority of the board’s members; the board’s Church Council

representative should not cast a vote that would be contrary to the stance of the

majority of their board (i.e., one that represents his/her point of view only).

Non-voting members -- the pastor, a representative of the Church and Ministry

Committee and visitors.

Representatives of church organizations, as well as the congregation at-large, are

invited to attend and participate, as non-voting members, in Church Council


Voting rights for the Church Council are determined by whether the position is

elected by the church membership at-large. Only elected positions are granted

voting rights; appointed positions (i.e., Church and Ministry Committee, Search

Committees) are not granted voting rights.

Section 2.0 - Special Offices & Committees

The church may establish any additional committees and offices as it deems prudent

to perform specific actions. Examples include, but are not limited to: Bylaws

Committee; Search committee – see Article VII, Section 2.0 for further guidance on

the establishment of this committee; Outreach Committee; Nominating Committee;

etc. These committees or offices shall be for a specified duration with stated

objectives and stated relationships to the existing church organization. Each

committee shall be formally commissioned by the Church Council. Each committee

shall be discharged by the Church Council, with thanks, after its stated objectives have

been completed. The membership and objectives of each temporary committee or

office not completing their stated objectives shall be reaffirmed or have their

objectives amended by majority vote of the Church Council when the Church Council

first convenes after each Annual Meeting. Any temporary committee or office not so

reaffirmed nor amended automatically terminates.

Section 3.0 - Duties of the Clerk

The Clerk shall keep a complete record of transactions at all regular or specially called

business meetings of the church, which shall be reviewed and approved at the next

business meeting. The Clerk shall also record all Church Council meetings and

distribute copies to all Church Council members; minutes shall be approved at the

next Church Council meeting and a copy made available for review by the

congregation at-large. The Clerk shall also record the events of any other church

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


gathering as requested by the Church Council.

The Clerk shall also maintain a register of the names of all church members, with

dates of admission and dismissions or death, together with a record of baptisms, births

and dedications. A record must also be maintained of all weddings conducted in the

church or by the Pastor.

The Clerk shall be responsible for requesting letters of transfer for new members

transferring to our congregation and for providing letters of transfer to members

wishing to transfer into another church.

The Clerk shall maintain a current list of all officers and church board members, along

with their respective office expiration dates. This list shall be published in the Annual


The Clerk shall be responsible for updating the church’s Constitution and Bylaws for

changes approved by the church membership at an official meeting of the church (as

described in Article IX). In addition, the Clerk shall be responsible for maintaining a

current electronic version of the Constitution and Bylaws of the church and making

them available to church members upon request.

Additionally, an annual report which captures the activities of the fiscal year is to be

prepared and submitted for the Annual Meeting.

At the Annual Meeting and for archival purposes only (not for publishing but matter

of record), the Clerk shall receive from the Financial Secretary a list of monies that

were donated during the fiscal year to endowments and memorials.

Section 4.0 - Duties of the Moderator

The Moderator shall be the presiding officer for all official and unofficial

congregation and Church Council meetings and shall be responsible for preparing the

agenda for these meetings. In the absence of the Moderator, the chairperson of the

Diaconate shall be the presiding officer. In the absence of both the Moderator and the

chairperson of the Diaconate, the chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall be the

presiding officer. If the presiding officer cannot attend, arrangements shall be made in

advance with the appropriate delegate to ensure that coverage is in place.

Additionally, the Moderator is responsible for preparing the annual stewardship letter,

which shall focus on all pledge offerings (financial, time, and talents) for the coming

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


year. This letter shall be distributed to the church members and friends of the church

approximately 3 - 4 months prior to the fiscal year end.

The Moderator is also responsible for sending notes of donation acknowledgements

(other than annual pledges) and reporting completion of this task to the Church

Council; however, acknowledgments of anonymous gifts would be the responsibility

of the Financial Secretary due to the required confidentiality. Information relative to

the donations would be provided by the Financial Secretary.

Additionally, an annual report which captures the activities of the fiscal year is to be

prepared and submitted for the Annual Meeting.

Section 5.0 - Duties of the Director of Christian Education

The Director of Christian Education shall initiate and administer, with the approval of

the Pastor and the Diaconate, the religious education programs of the church. The

Director shall be responsible for the selection of teachers and assistants to help

administer these programs.

The Director shall be responsible for attending monthly Church Council meetings and

submitting a monthly report to the Church Council. Additionally, an annual report

which captures the activities of the fiscal year is to be prepared and submitted for the

Annual Meeting.

Section 6.0 - Duties of the Financial Secretary

The Financial Secretary shall be responsible to receive all monies of the church which

are offered in the form of coinage, script or check and shall function under the

guidance and direction of the Board of Trustees.

The Financial Secretary shall deposit and record all monies received to any of the

respective funds of the church and, in a timely manner, shall provide the Treasurer

with any necessary deposit information for proper recording.

The Financial Secretary shall be the central repository for all of the historical

information for memorials and endowments (a list of persons donating endowments,

the names of persons to whom memorials have been given, and any applicable

restrictions attached to any of the gifts). The amounts donated shall be recorded but

need not be published. The Financial Secretary will be responsible for reporting to the

family of the deceased the names of those from whom memorials were received and

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


the amount received. Completion of this task shall also be included in reports

provided to the Church Council. Additionally, the list of monies being donated to

endowments and memorials shall be given to the Clerk at the annual meeting for

archival purposes (not for publishing but matter of record).

The Financial Secretary shall report to the Board of Trustees monthly, the sources and

amount of monies received as well as any restrictions attached to their use.

Additionally, the Financial Secretary shall attend the Board of Trustees meetings

when requested.

The Financial Secretary shall report to the Church Council, at the monthly meeting,

the amount of monies received and recorded to the church funds.

The Financial Secretary shall report to the Moderator, at least monthly, information

related to non-anonymous donations (other than annual pledges) in order to allow the

Moderator to provide the donor with an acknowledgement of their gift. For gifts

received with the stipulation that the donor remain anonymous, the Financial

Secretary is responsible for providing the donor with an acknowledgement of their

gift. Completion of this task shall be included in reports provided to the Church


The Financial Secretary shall submit to the church an annual report for the annual

meeting of all monies received and recorded to the church funds.

The Financial Secretary shall record and report to individuals, at least annually and by

January 31st, a listing of the individual's contributions made to the church.

Section 7.0 - Duties of the Church Treasurer

The Church Treasurer shall be responsible for payment of operating expenses incurred

by the church in support of public worship, Christian education and other similar

programs, and operation of the facilities under the guidance and direction of the Board

of Trustees. The Church Treasurer shall also be responsible for disbursement of

Board of Benevolence funds under the direction of that board.

The Church Treasurer shall be responsible to disburse and record all payments. If the

budgeted amount will be exceeded or there is some other concern, the Board of

Trustees shall be consulted prior to disbursing funds.

The Church Treasurer shall be responsible to keep the following records of monies

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


received to the Operating Fund, the Reserve Funds, and the Benevolence Fund:

a) Record of deposits made into the applicable Fund, including source, amount,

and use designations/restrictions attached to any of the monies,

b) Record of interest received on any interest bearing accounts under the

jurisdiction of the applicable Fund.

The Church Treasurer shall attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees when

requested by the Board of Trustees.

The Church Treasurer shall submit to the Board of Trustees for their monthly meeting,

a report of the amount of monies recorded as being deposited, the expenses paid by

budget line item, and the month end checkbook balance. Additionally, the bank

statements shall be mailed by the bank to a Trustee for their review; the trustee would

then be responsible for delivering the bank statement to the Treasurer (if internet

access is not available for the Treasurer).

The Church Treasurer shall assist the Board of Trustees in preparing the proposed

budget to present to the church for approval at the Annual Meeting.

The Church Treasurer shall keep records of all the Pastor's income and expenses and

prepare the required income tax forms for reporting to the state and federal


The Church Treasurer shall prepare for the Annual Meeting of the church a written

report of the amounts of monies deposited and disbursed for the year. The report shall

indicate how much was disbursed from each budget category for the year. The

remaining balance and the total approved budget for each category shall also be listed.

The Church Treasurer shall be responsible for recording transactions of the

Endowment, Building, Reserve, and Investments Funds and special funds. He / She

shall be responsible to disburse monies from these funds under the guidance and

direction of the Board of Trustees. The Church Treasurer shall be responsible to

record the fund from which disbursements are made.

The Church Treasurer shall attend monthly Church Council meetings and prepare

reports for the Board of Trustees and the Church Council. All checks or withdrawals

drawn on the Reserve Funds, in excess of $1,000 shall be countersigned by a

designated member of the Board of Trustees.

The Church Treasurer shall prepare an annual report of all income and disbursements

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


of each of the funds for the annual budget meeting.

The Church Treasurer shall be responsible to keep records of monies in the Pastor's

Discretionary Account, if such an account has been formally established by the


The Church Treasurer shall prepare a quarterly, written report for the Board of

Benevolence and the Church Council, indicating the amount of monies received and

disbursed, by categories. It shall state for each category the total amount disbursed

from each category for the current quarter and the year-to-date, as well as the

remaining balance based on the budgeted amount.

The Church Treasurer shall attend meetings of the Board of Benevolence as requested.

Section 8.0 - Duties of the Board of Trustees

The Trustees shall have the care and custody of the property of the church (whether

real or personal) as a sacred trust.

The Trustees shall establish policy and oversee or direct the care of church property,

administrative operations and financial affairs of the church.

The chairperson (or delegate) shall be responsible for attending monthly Church

Council meetings and submitting a monthly report to the Church Council.

Additionally, an annual report which captures the activities of the fiscal year is to be

prepared and submitted for the Annual Meeting.

The Trustees shall not have the power to incur debts beyond what is necessary for the

administration of the temporal affairs of the church and for the care of the property.

The Trustees shall not buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer property without specific

authority by vote of the church body.

It shall be the duty of the Trustees to prepare and present to the Church Council, at the

Church Council meeting held in the month preceding the fiscal year end, the proposed

budget for the succeeding year for approval.

The budget shall include operating expenses, benevolence and proposed income.

The proposed budget shall be presented at a special congregational meeting (see

Article IX, Section 1.1) at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the new fiscal

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


year for approval by the membership. The approved budget shall be effective as of

the first day of the new fiscal year.

Section 9.0 - Duties of the Diaconate

The Diaconate shall assist and support the Pastor in the spiritual leadership of the

church. They shall prepare the elements for the Lord's Supper and, when invited by

the Pastor, shall aid in their distribution. They shall also assist with the sacrament of

Baptism. They shall, when invited by the Pastor, assist the pastor in the conducting of

public worship. They shall take heed to the high calling of their office, guarding

faithfully all spiritual interests of the church, visiting the sick, and ministering to the

needs of all.

The Diaconate shall be responsible for conducting normal public worship in the

absence of the Pastor.

The Diaconate shall appoint a representative (the chairperson or delegate) to attend the

monthly Church Council meetings; a monthly report shall be submitted at the meeting.

The Diaconate shall prepare and submit an annual report for the Annual Meeting,

which captures the activities of the board for the fiscal year.

To assist in ensuring that church records are complete, the chairperson of the

Diaconate shall provide to the Clerk information related to new members;

dismissions/deaths of members; births, baptisms, dedications conducted at the church;

weddings conducted at the church; and weddings conducted by the Pastor.

Section 10.0 - Duties of the Director of Music

The Director of Music is responsible for coordinating the music program of the

church. This would include ensuring that the musical worship needs (organist/pianist,

choir selections/special music) are met for Sunday worship services as well as other

special services held throughout the year. Hymn selections, however, are typically

chosen by the Pastor to allow for coordination with the worship message; the Director

of Music shall be prepared to advise the Pastor in appropriate selections, if requested.

The Director of Music shall also be responsible for directing the various choirs of the

church (i.e., Senior Choir, Junior Choir, Bell Choir, etc.) or appointing an appropriate


The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


The Director of Music shall also be responsible for ensuring that the musical

instruments of the church are properly maintained. Any outlay of cash for repairs and

maintenance shall be approved by the Trustees.

The Director of Music shall be responsible for attending monthly Church Council

meetings and submitting a monthly report to the Church Council. Additionally, an

annual report which captures the activities of the fiscal year is to be prepared and

submitted for the Annual Meeting.

Section 11.0 - Duties of the Board of Benevolence

The Board of Benevolence shall have responsibility for directing and overseeing

activities, programs, and contributions that are undertaken to serve needs beyond our

own church.

The Board of Benevolence shall plan and coordinate programs by which the

congregation can minister to the needs of the local community.

The Board of Benevolence shall make available to the congregation information about

mission activities on local, national, and international levels, including the

denominational mission work to which we contribute.

The Board of Benevolence shall be responsible for the allocation of all monies in the

Benevolence Account.

The chairperson (or their delegate) shall be responsible for attending monthly Church

Council meetings and submitting a monthly report to the Church Council.

Additionally, an annual report which captures the activities of the fiscal year is to be

prepared and submitted for the Annual Meeting.

Section 12.0 - Duties of the Church and Ministry Committee

The Church and Ministry Committee, while always exercising the utmost discretion to

protect the confidentiality of those utilizing the services of the committee, shall serve

both the congregation and the Pastor as a liaison committee. This committee shall be

the vehicle through which issues which are sensitive or issues where a member wishes

to maintain anonymity may be channeled. The Church and Ministry Committee shall

also be the implement utilized to seek resolution in disagreements between members

and to determine disciplinary actions where necessary (see Article IV, Section 6.0).

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


A representative from the Church and Ministry Committee may attend the monthly

Church Council meetings.

Section 13.0 - Duties of the Nominating Committee

The duties of the Nominating Committee include presenting to the Church Council a

proposed slate of officers (nominations) for review and approval by the Church

Council. The Church Council will present this approved slate of officers at the

Annual Meeting for ratification; the slate of officers would include all continuing

officers as well as a recommendation for each open position.

Every effort should be made to fill all open positions by the Annual Meeting.

However, if after an exhaustive search open positions continue to remain subsequent

to the Annual Meeting, the newly appointed Nominating Committee shall actively

engage in efforts to continually try to find appropriate candidates for the open


In the case where an officer (other than the Pastor) is unable to complete his/her term,

a replacement to complete the term will be recommended by the Nominating

Committee and appointed by the Church Council. Positions filled in this manner

would need to be ratified by the Congregation at the next Annual Meeting.

A representative from the Nominating Committee may attend the monthly Church

Council meetings.

Section 14.0 - Duties of the Church Council

The Church Council shall be the executive, policy-making body of this church. All

acts and deliberations of the Church Council are subject to the will of and revision by

the governing body. The Church Council shall be responsible to coordinate and

promote the entire program of the church.

The Church Council shall review and approve all annual reports of the officers,

committees, boards, and organizations of the church.

The Church Council shall meet monthly, but at least five times per year, for the

transactions of such business as may properly come before it. Special meetings are

subject to the Moderator's call.

Voting on matters brought before the Church Council would require at least five (5)

Church Council members with voting rights (see Article VI, Section 1.1, Item 12) to

be present.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


The Church Council shall: a) prepare a ballot, nominating at least one person for each

office or board or committee membership to be filled at the Annual Meeting; b)

approve nominees to fill such vacancies as may occur during the year; c) maintain a

current file of the personnel resources of the church; d) attend the Church Council

meetings as requested.

Vacancies occurring during the year of any officer or council-appointed committee

member and filled by the Church Council shall be communicated to the church atlarge

at the time of the appointment.

Public notice of the ballot of Officers shall be given from the pulpit or letter at least

two weeks before the Annual Meeting. Other nominations shall be invited from the

floor during the Annual Meeting.

The Church Council shall coordinate the completion of bi-annual audits of all

financial operations of the church. These audits need not be performed by an external

organization; however, they should be performed by individuals that are completely

independent of the financial functions as well as the Officers performing the financial


Article VII. Pastor

Section 1.0 - Duties & Responsibilities

The Pastor shall have charge of the spiritual interests of the church with the

cooperation and assistance of the Diaconate. In cooperation with the Church Council

and the various boards and committees, he/she shall seek to enlist persons as followers

of Christ; preach and teach the gospel and administer the sacraments; shall have under

his/her direction and administration all services of public worship; shall exercise

pastoral care; and shall administer the program of the church. He/She shall be a nonvoting

member of all boards and committees.

The Pastor shall submit a report to and attend all meetings of the Diaconate and

Church Council. Additionally, an annual report shall be submitted for the Annual

Meeting of the church.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Section 2.0 - Selection & Installation

1. It shall be the responsibility of the seven-member Search Committee, appointed by

the Church Council, to seek a candidate for a vacancy in the position of Pastor. The

Search Committee shall consist of: one representative each from the Diaconate,

Board of Trustees, and the Board of Benevolence; the Director of Christian

Education; and three members of the church at-large. If any of the named

individuals cannot serve, they shall be replaced by a member of the group they

represent. This committee shall serve until a Pastor is called.

2. As soon as notice is given of a pastoral vacancy, it shall be reported to the Genesee

Valley Association of the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ,

by the Clerk.

3. In securing an interim minister or supply ministers for the period of the vacancy,

the Church Council may seek the counsel of the New York Conference.

4. The Search Committee may request the Conference Executive to secure relevant

information about any minister it wishes to consider for the vacancy.

5. Any minister may confer with the New York Conference Executive concerning a

pastoral vacancy. At the minister's request, his/her name shall be submitted by the

New York Conference Executive for consideration by the Search Committee.

6. The Search committee shall present to the church the name of the candidate it

recommends to fill the vacancy. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the church

constitutes a call.

7. In the call, the terms of the relationship shall be stated, including salary and

benefits agreed among the candidate, the Committee, and the Board of Trustees.

The minister, the church, the Association, and the New York Conference

Executive shall each receive a copy of the call.

8. When a minister accepts a call to this church, the church and he/she shall join in

requesting the Genesee Valley Association to arrange for a service of installation.

A report of this service shall be signed by the proper officer of the Genesee Valley

Association and by the New York Conference Executive, and copies shall be sent

to the Secretary of the United Church of Christ and to the Council for Church and


9. The Pastor shall be elected for an indefinite period. In order to terminate this

relationship, a minimum of sixty (60) days notice shall be given by either party.

The procedure shall be in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the New

York Conference of the United Church of Christ.

10. When either party decides to terminate the relationship, the termination shall be by

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


action of the Church Council. Notice of such termination shall be sent by the Clerk

to the New York Conference Executive and to the Genesee Valley Association for

appropriate action.

Section 3.0 - Other

1. The Pastor shall transfer his/her membership to this church within three months of

his/her installation.

2. Brotherly discipline of the Pastor shall be in conformity with this Constitution and

Bylaws, Article IV. Section 6.0.

3. The church may at its discretion choose an Associate or Assistant Pastor(s).

4. If during pastoral vacancies an interim minister is not available, it is the

responsibility of the Diaconate to arrange and conduct public worship services;

however, the administering of the sacraments is reserved for an ordained minister.

Article VIII. Organizations

All organizations connected to the church and using its facilities are regarded as

integral parts of the church and are under its jurisdiction. The Pastor shall be a nonvoting

member of all these organizations. A yearly report from each organization shall

be submitted to the Church Council for inclusion in the annual report to the


Article IX. Meetings of the Church

Section 1.0 - Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the church shall be held in June and no later than June 15.

The church business year will be April 1 to March 31. At this meeting, the officers of

the church, the pastor, and all church organizations shall submit their annual report to

the church. At this time, the church will be given an opportunity to question and/or

suggest additions/deletions. The reports as amended shall be approved by

congregational vote. These reports shall be submitted by no later than the May

Church Council meeting and shall be available to all active members at least two (2)

weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


Section 1.1 - Meeting to Approve the Annual Operating Budget

A meeting to approval the next fiscal year’s budget shall be held at least two weeks

prior to the end of the current fiscal year. The proposed Operating Budget will be

available to all active members at least two (2) weeks prior to this meeting. The

budget shall be approved at this meeting (see Article VI, Section 8.0 for further


Section 2.0 - Annual Report of the Church

The approved Annual Report shall minimally contain an annual report from the

Moderator, the Clerk, the Financial Secretary, the Pastor, the Church Treasurer, the

Director of Christian Education, the Director of Music, the Board of Trustees, the

Board of Benevolence, the Diaconate, the Nominating Committee, and all other

church active organizations and committees.

The Annual Report shall also contain:

a.) The nominations for all officers and board vacancies, as proposed by the

Church Council. The terms of all board nominations shall be specified.

b.) The approved Budget for the next fiscal year.

c.) A list of all officers and church board members.

The Annual Report shall be available, at the church, to all active members, at least two

(2) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.

Section 3.0 - Special Church Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Church Council, the Diaconate, the Board of

Trustees, or by a petition to the Church Council signed by not less than 25% of the

church membership. The Church Council shall call such meetings within three (3)

weeks from receipt of the petition.

Section 4.0 - Notice of Meetings

Adequate notice of all official church meetings (i.e., Annual Meetings, Meeting to

Approve the Annual Operating Budget, and all special church meetings as defined in

Article IX, Section 3.0) shall be announced from the pulpit. Both verbal and printed

announcements will be repeated for at least two (2) successive Sundays immediately

preceding such meetings. The announcement shall contain: a) a statement of the

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


business to be transacted, b) the time and place of the meeting, and c) any special

request to the congregation, boards, minister, or church organizations. In addition,

any details necessary to adequately inform the membership of the business to be

transacted shall be available in writing, at the church, to all active members, at least

two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 5.0 - Meeting Place

All annual and special meetings will be held at the church. In an emergency situation

where this would not be possible, the Church Council shall determine an alternate site.

Section 6.0 - Presiding Officer

The Moderator shall serve as the impartial presiding officer of such meetings. In the

absence of the Moderator, the chairperson of the Diaconate shall be the presiding

officer. In the absence of both the Moderator and the chairperson of the Diaconate, the

chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall be the presiding officer. If none of these

are available, the meeting will be cancelled and rescheduled for the next available

Sunday during which one of the acceptable presiding officers will be present.

Section 7.0 - Procedures

All meetings shall be held in an orderly manner. All members wishing to speak shall

be recognized by the Moderator. All meetings shall be conducted under Robert's Rules

of Order. Prior to conducting any business, the Moderator shall determine if a quorum

exists, as required by Article V, Section 1.0.

Section 8.0 - Voting

All matters, with the exceptions below, shall be decided by a simple majority of the

voting members present (refer to Article IV, Section 5.0) and voting thereon.


a.) Adoption or amending the Constitution/Bylaws

b.) Transfer of property approval

c.) Removing a church officer from his/her duties

d.) Calling of the Pastor

In these cases, a two thirds (2/3) majority of the voting members present is required.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


(See Article IV, Section 5.0.)

All voting shall be made by a show of hands, except when a secret ballot is called. A

secret ballot may be proposed and seconded, and then determined by a simple

majority vote.

Article X. Property & Finance

Section 1.0 - Property

1. The church may in its corporate name sue or be sued, acquire by purchase, gift,

bequest or otherwise and own, hold, invest, reinvest or dispose of property both

real and personal for such work as the church may undertake and may purchase,

own, receive, hold, manage, care for and transfer, rent, lease, mortgage or

otherwise encumber, sell, assign, transfer and convey such property for the general

purposes of the church; it may receive and hold in trust both real and personal

property and invest the same and make contracts for promoting the objects and

purposes of the church.

2. Upon dissolution of the church, its assets and all property and interests of which it

shall then be possessed, including any devise, bequest, gift or grant contained in

any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such

dissolution, unless specified in a written condition defining another not for profit

recipient, shall be transferred to the New York Conference of the United Church of


Section 2.0 - Finance

The church shall seek support by contribution of individuals and groups. All monies

are to be received by the Financial Secretary for recording and distribution to the

proper financial fund. Disbursements shall be made according to the definition of the

individual funds.

Section 2.1 - Funds of the Church

The finances of the church shall be administered through the use of the following


1. Operating Fund - Monies which are to be utilized to meet current operating

expenses and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees.

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Immanuel United Church of Christ


2. Benevolence Fund - Monies which are to be utilized to perform benevolent

acts; monies are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Benevolence.

3. Endowment Fund - Monies which are given to be invested, or investment

instruments, such as stocks, bonds, or securities, which are given, from which

the earnings of the investments but not the principal or face value, are to be

used to support designated or Undesignated church activities; monies are under

the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees.

4. Building Fund - Monies which are to be utilized to make capital improvements

to the church facilities and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees.

5. Reserve Fund - Monies which are held awaiting the Board of Trustees'

direction, or to meet future, known needs which are not near term; monies are

under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees.

6. Investment Fund - Monies which are invested to provide income, but whose

principal may be utilized; monies are under the jurisdiction of the Board of


Article XI. Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws may be made at any duly called church

meeting by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting members present; public

announcement of the text of the proposed amendment(s) shall be made at least two

weeks prior to the meeting.